Shrewsbury Moves: A 10-year vision and plan for improving movement in and around Shrewsbury, is making progress after a positive consultation period.

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Our collective plan for the evolution of Shrewsbury

Local organisations, businesses and residents are working together to help Shrewsbury evolve and develop for the good of everyone. It’s ambitious and bold, reshaping the physical public realm and matching it with an outstanding public experience. Together we will revolutionise movement around our town and attract vital investment.

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Featured Projects

Movement and public space strategy
An artists' impression of how High Street might look within an extended pedestrian zone.
Rethinking Movement
In Progress The Shrewsbury Moves strategy, containing ideas such as introducing traffic loops, improving cycle routes and
Shrewsbury Masterplan Vision
Creating Enterprise Natural Shrewsbury Rethinking Movement Vitality, Life & Mix
In Progress A range of ambitious and bold opportunities for Shrewsbury have been set out in a
Smithfield and Riverside
Creating Enterprise Natural Shrewsbury Rethinking Movement Vitality, Life & Mix
In Consultation   The Smithfield Riverside project – an exciting next step in the regeneration of Shrewsbury
The Shrewsbury Design Code
Vitality, Life & Mix
Agreed Priority One of the key priorities agreed through the Big Town Plan is that any new

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